Friday, October 14, 2011

A Picture Worth a Hurdle

This morning at 8:38am I went outside to put a car seat in the "economy" car to drive the kids to school.  It had rained very very hard last night apparently.  I was sleeping so hard that when I was awakened from my dream about taking an hour long shower with shampoo bottles that moo'd at me I did not know that it had even rained.

Anyhoo, when I was walking to the car which is parked in front of the house I looked into the very large puddle (I call it Lake Killmenow when it gets really big and I can't reach the car) that always forms on the lawn.  I saw a beautiful rainbow in that mud puddle and was puzzling over how on earth it got in there.  Then I looked up and saw it was indeed a reflection of a giant rainbow right in front of me!  My coffee quota had not been met at all.  I still thought I had mooing shampoo bottles in my shower.

I have never seen a rainbow in the West before as usually I am not up early enough for the sun to be at the right angle, and also most rainbows occur when the sun is setting from my experience.  I dropped the car seat in the middle of the driveway and sprinted back inside, jumped clear over both kids that were sitting by the door putting their shoes on, and grabbed my camera.  I made sure it was set up correctly this time and jumped back over the kids and back into the driveway.  I took these photos and then turned and noticed my next door neighbor watching me probably thinking I am seriously a psycho, like the kind that needs to go to the funny farm.  I picked the car seat back up and put it in the car and then ran back inside.

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