Thursday, January 5, 2012

First Snow Squall Of The Season

I spent a lot of time in downtown Burlington, VT last week but was so busy I didn't get a lot of time to go to my beloved waterfront and see the sunset.  So on Friday at around 3:45 I took a walk before I headed home.  Despite 30mph wind gusts and no gloves I stayed long enough to take these pics of a snow squall coming eastward over the Adirondacks of NY state:

It was so beautiful with the snow dropping down and then spreading out as it hit the mountain tops.  Very eerie and surreal.

Over to the south a bit was the sun breaking through.  We had a lot of gray skies last week and have had very little snow this winter.  It will snow a bit, then warm up to 40 degrees and melt, then be frigid and no snow, and then start all over. 

This was as clear of a closeup shot that I could get with my zoom lens and frozen fingers!  

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